Looking to connect with IMS?

Our sales team is here to help

All Services (North America)

Norm Borg
Vice President, Technology
Phone: (416) 620-1965 x 117
Toll Free: 1-800-263-0669
Fax: (416) 620-9790
435 Horner Avenue,
Unit 2
Toronto, ON
Canada, M8W 4W3

Ad Tracking & Lead Generation (North America)

Jim Panousis
Senior Vice President
Phone: (416) 620-1965 x 105
Toll Free: 1-800-263-0669
Fax: (416) 620-9790
435 Horner Avenue,
Unit 2
Toronto, ON
Canada, M8W 4W3

All Services (UK & EU)

Greg Harrison
Managing Director, European Operations
Phone: +44 (0) 20 8688 5005
Fax: +44 (0) 20 8688 0125
7th Floor
Grosvenor House,
125 High Street
Croydon, Surrey,
United Kingdom, CR0 9XP

Not-For-Profit Solutions

Patrick Durbano
Director, Business Development
Phone: (416) 620-1965 x 178
Toll Free: 1-800-263-0669 x 178
Fax: (416) 620-9790
435 Horner Avenue,
Unit 2
Toronto, ON
Canada, M8W 4W3